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叡啓倧孊公匏Instagramでは、開孊入孊匏50日前の月11日から、春から叡啓 カりントダりンを日おきに行っおたいりたした。


#春から叡啓 Eikei Online Meeting✹
叡啓倧孊1期生のためのオンラむンむベントEikei Online Meeting を開催したした。参加された皆さん、ありがずうございたした😊入孊前の皆さんの亀流の堎・入孊の準備ずしお圹に立おば教職員䞀同嬉しいです❗

We held Eikei Online Meeting for new students of Eikei Univerisity of Hiroshima Academic Year 2021! We hope you enjoyed it and it could be any help to your preparation😊
AND!!! It’s 50 days to the inauguration of the university! We will count down every 5 day posting about campus, messages from faculty members,etc. Come take a look 👀


孊郚長 保井先生からのメッセヌゞをお届けしたす。






All freshers and supporters of the newly-born Eikei University of Hiroshima (EUH)

I cannot wait! 
I cannot wait to see you, I cannot wait to connect with you, and I cannot wait to draw an ideal picture of the new university with you. 
Connecting and drawing we will do there all day. Connecting means creating a system. Drawing an ideal connection means design. The Department of Social System Design, EUH, is for that. 
It is one and only department all over the world to deliver change makers to co-design social systems.
April 1, 2021. EUH starts as one social system. The designers are you all. We start to connect with all at the city, in Japan, and over the world.
We will count down together every day for 45 days until the EUH opens. We open EUH to craft together optimal social systems to make Japan and the world happier than today


Think before you speak. Read before you think. — Fran Lebowitz


I’ve decided to pass on this nice bit of teacherly advice to the first class of Eikei University. It’s true: you can rarely come up with interesting ideas all by yourself. Instead, these often come from dialogue, and reading is one of the best methods for engaging in deep dialogues. Even better, by reading, you can interact with various conversation partners across space and time. So I’d encourage you to try to find one book that really catches you and read through it before you join Eikei. I’m looking forward to reading, thinking, and having interesting conversations with you all!


Welcome to Eikei University of Hiroshima. Our campus network EikeiNet is now ready for Eikei People!




Btw, can you read this?
33 35 20 64 61 79 73 20 74 6F 20 67 6F 21 0A
*Hint: ASCII

To challengers, Eikei University of Hiroshima will open in 35 days. We, as challengers, are now preparing for it.

The university is not a place for you just to receive some kinds of services. The university is the place for us, students, faculty members and staffs to build the new knowledge and new society. What do you want to do? Faculty members and staffs want to support your aspiration.

There is no precedent, we are free to start anything, that’s Eikei University. But we will also face some problems after Eikei opens. Let’s enjoy them and solve them together! We all are looking forward to seeing you. See you at Eikei in 35 days!


Let’s celebrate our diversity together!
We shall all be a part of colorful Eikei culture soon.




We are looking forward to welcoming the founding class of Eikei University of Hiroshima in 30 days! It is truly exciting that we will establish this university with very rich diversities among students, faculty, and staff members. Inclusion and equity shall be the cornerstones of Eikei culture – and we are preparing the day to welcome you soon.

It is often said that diversity and inclusive culture boosts innovation and creates better outcomes. EUH shall be such a special place soon with you all. For our international students joining us in Autumn 2021, rest assured we will warm up this place to welcome you too!


叡啓倧孊では入孊埌最初の半幎間英語集䞭プログラムIntensive English Program /IEPで培底的に英語力を磚き秋以降留孊生ずずもに英語で授業を受けられる力を逊成したす。



20 days until the EUH opens





東日本倧震灜の発生から10幎が経ち、新型コロナりむルス感染症のパンデミックが始たっおから幎が経ちたした。この混迷の時代を生きるためには、どんな知識やスキルが必芁だず思いたすか 叡啓倧孊での孊びを通じお、そのヒントを芋぀けたしょう!

Welcome to Eikei University of Hiroshima.

Ten years have passed since the occurrence of the Great East Japan Earthquake and one year has passed since that of the COVID-19 pandemic. What knowledge and skills do you need in order to survive this time of turmoil? Find out the clues of them through your learning at Eikei University of Hiroshima!



The day when you enter Eikei University of Hiroshima is just around the corner!  Are you well-prepared?
Your new university life will start with Intensive English Program (IEP) next month.  You are supposed to take exclusively English classes for the first 6 months.  IEP will definitely offer you a chance to be “fully immersed in English.” 
The lecturers are composed of diverse nationalities except Japanese bilingual lecturers.  Some of them do not speak Japanese, which will surely give you a great chance to explore diverse cultures.  
The main purpose of IEP is to develop your English proficiency into the level in which you can take any subject in English in the following quarters after going through this program.
I hope you will step out of your own world, move forward, and grow into a person who can play an active role globally in the world, using English as a means of global communication.  Another language you acquire will thoroughly change your view of the world.  As you understand other cultures, you will be able to broaden your own perspectives. 
Try various things that you can while you are at Eikei University of Hiroshima.  Any experience which may result in failure will help you develop into a well-rounded person. 
Now, let's row out into a new ocean of knowledge and excitement together!



Welcome to Eikei University of Hiroshima.



Now it's time to start a new challenge. Are you ready?

Eikei University is a platform for Social Innovation. You will practice social system design based on this place. In practice, you will surely hit a number of walls. And you will have to do a lot of trial and error. However, we believe that learning experience in this place will be a valuable asset to you.

Let's challenge while having fun! We all are looking forward to seeing you. See you at Eikei in 5 days!