Ph. D. (Engineering)(The University of Tokyo)
Office:Room 715
Office Hours:Varies depending on the quarter. Please confirm by e-mail or Teams.
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Summary of the Research Undertaken
Research on the assessment of the global warming and its mitigation and adaptation measures, and on the construction of a disaster-resistant social system are conducting to ensure social safety and security.
Research Themes
- Safe and Secure Water Supply
- Watershed Hydrological and Water Quality Modeling
- Water Ecosystem Modeling
- Global warming mitigation and adaptation measures
- Biomass Utilization System
Details of the Research
Social implementation of environmental conservation technologies is studied within the wide range of research subject, from the development of elemental processes to analysis environmental and social system, based on my specialized area, environmental chemical engineering.
For the development of elemental processes, research on physicochemical water purification processes, biological wastewater treatment processes including ecotechnology, and biomass conversion processes for the mitigation of global warming have been conducted. Research on mathematical modeling of eutrophication phenomena, mathematical analysis of watershed water cycle and climate change impact assessment, and investigation of water demand and vulnerability to disasters in an aging society have been conducted for environmental and social system analysis.
Based on above mentioned research outputs, I have promoted the international cooperation and environmental education. In the field of international cooperation, I had been involved in activities related to biomass utilization as an expert of JICA, WHO's "Water safety plans" and "Guidelines for drinking water quality".
In the field of education, the education of graduate students including international students through the "International Environmental Leader Training Program" (A Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology program) had been experienced.
Currently, I am working for the design of sustainable environmental and social system targeting the climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster-resistant water infrastructure, and natural ecosystem conservation, using environmental simulation as the main research tool.