
AdmissionsIntegrated Selection/Autumn Admission


  • The short essay question for the first, second and third window has  released. (August 6, 2024)
  • The student application guidelines and application forms for the first window are now available. (July 29, 2024)

There will be three application windows before June 2025. If the quota is filled in the first (October 2024 apply) and second window (January 2025 apply), the third window (May 2025 apply) may not be conducted.

Short Essay


From the FAQ web page about Admissions

Q. Can I use outside resources to prepare my application documents and essay?

A. Application documents and essays must be produced by the applicants themselves and be original. During the preparation process, applicants may use various resources, such as literature, advice from high school teachers, and online resources including generative AI tools like ChatGPT. For the essay question, applicants must precisely follow the instructions for citing references. If application documents and essays are found to be highly unlikely to have been written by the applicants themselves, suspected of plagiarism or other misconduct, or containing false or factually incorrect statements, there will be serious consequences for their scores, and the applicant may be disqualified.

Student Application Guidelines and Application Documents

Student Application Guidelines
Application Form and Examination Card

These documents can be downloaded after the registration to Eikei’s Online Application System. These are not required to be submitted. Examination Card must be printed to be used in the interview.

Letter of Recommendation * Two (2) must be submitted.

Only for selection of international students.


・Ask two persons to write letters of recommendation.

・The recommenders must have known the applicant for at least six (6) months or more, such as a teacher from the applicant’s last school (language schools are acceptable,) a person from the applicant’s institution, organizations, company, or places of internship etc. Note that the applicant’s family, friends, or faculty members of Eikei University of Hiroshima cannot be accepted as a recommender.

Directly submitted by the recommender to the Admissions Office via e-mail. (

Education History

Enter all your education and employment history up to the present.

Statement of Purpose

Enter your reasons for applying to Eikei University of Hiroshima, such as “What I want to learn at Eikei,” “Reasons or background for choosing Eikei,” and “How I hope to make use of what I learned at Eikei” based on your own learning and experience.


Note: It must be completed on one A4-size page.

Activity Report

List up to three activities you have undertaken that you are most proud of, such as secondary school learning, extracurricular activities, competitions, group activities, community-based activities, volunteer work, etc. 

In addition, up to three references related to your own activities can be submitted.



・It must be clearly stated “which contents of the activity report they relate to,” e.g. by titling or numbering it.

・The forms are optional and must be in PDF format (up to 10 MB).

・It is accepted to include multiple items or URLs in a same PDF file. However, shared online storage links are not permitted.

・It must be completed on three A4-size pages.

Official Transcripts

Confirm on page 7 of the student application guidelines.

Proof of English Language Proficiency

One of the following documents must be submitted:
A) English Proficiency Test Scores
B) Verification of Proficiency in English issued by Secondary School

If you completed your secondary school education in an English medium institution, you do not need to submit any of the above documents. 

Selection Schedule (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9)

First Window
First Window
Application Period Friday, October 11, 2024, 9:00 a.m.-Thursday, October 17, 2024, noon
Notice of Results (First-Stage) Friday, November 22, 2024, at noon
Online Individual Interview (Second-stage) The following date and time to be designated by the university
・Saturday, November 30, 2024
・Sunday, December 1, 2024
・Monday, December 2, 2024
・Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Notice of Final Results Friday, December 13, 2024, noon
Matriculation Deadline for Admitted Students Monday, Decmber 23, 2024 (post-marked)


Based on the admissions policy of the university, the contents of the application documents and interview will be evaluated and successful applicants selected.

Document Screening (First-Stage)

The first-stage will involve a comprehensive evaluation of the application documents.

Online Individual Interview (Second-Stage)

The second-stage will be an online individual interview. Questions will be asked in English based on the content of the application documents.

  • Details of the second-stage selection will be provided to those who pass the first-stage.
  • Refer to “Online Examination” in the student application guidelines before the interview.
  • The interview will be conducted online at a time and date (Japan standard time, UTC+9) assigned by the university. Those who take the examination from outside Japan must be aware of the time difference.

Eligibility for Application

Number of Students to be Admitted: A few students


The applicant must meet one of the following criteria:


  1. Persons who have completed 12 years of schooling outside Japan or are expected to complete the course by September 30, 2025, or a person equivalent thereto, as designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
  2. Persons who have completed or are expected to complete by September 30, 2025, a course of study at an overseas educational institution recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as offering a course equivalent to that of secondary schools.
  3. Persons who have completed or are expected to complete 12 years or more of formal education by September 30, 2025, at an international school in Japan or abroad that is certified by an international certification organization (e.g., WASC, ACSI, or CIS).
  4. Persons who have obtained or expect to obtain by September 30, 2025, an IB (International Baccalaureate), Abitur, French-Baccalaureate or GCE A-Level.
  5. Persons who have been recognized by Eikei University of Hiroshima through individual screening of eligibility for admission as having scholastic ability equivalent to or higher than that of secondary school graduates and who will be 18 years of age by September 30, 2025.

Application Requirements

The applicant must meet all of the following requirements:


  1. Have a strong desire to study at Eikei University of Hiroshima and the intention to enroll if admitted.
  2. Have English language proficiency equivalent to or higher than CEFR B2.
  3. Is capable of participating in classes taught in English.
  4. Has not applied to any other selection category at Eikei University of Hiroshima within this application deadline. It is not possible to apply to more than one selection at the same time.