Associate Professor
Ph. D. in Science(Zoology) (Kyoto University)
Office:Room 316
Office Hours:Please contact by e-mail or the University’s Teams.
Research Content:
AcademicsFaculty Information

Her research field is the social studies of science and technology (STS) especially on public participation, citizen science, and feminist STS.
Academic Field / Expertise
Courses to Offer
Introduction to Ethics of Science and Technology
History of Science and Technology
Japanese Academic Writing
Science and Technology (S&T) are deeply embedded into our modern life. They have changed not only our daily activities but also our concepts of “life” or “nature.” I'm interested in the relationships between S&T and society. How do people perceive or react to a certain newly investigated technology? How does technology change responding to the public attitude? When we think about SDGs, from unpaid care/domestic work at home to global energy issues, we cannot avoid thinking about how we can use or not use S&T in our society. I look forward to discussing with you these issues together in near future.