Doctor of engineering
Office:Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Hiroshima campus, Room 2222
Office Hours:Please contact me by email or Teams.
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Doctor of engineering
Office:Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Hiroshima campus, Room 2222
Office Hours:Please contact me by email or Teams.
Link to Research Map:
After engaging in research and development in the energy field of general electronics manufacturer, engaged in current job.
Data science, Artificial intelligence (AI), Energy management
Introduction to mathematics, data science, and AI (Literacy level)
Data science fundamentals (Applied fundamentals level)
To address social issues such as global warming, low birthrate and aging population, and depopulation of rural areas, we need scientific judgments based on a lot of data. Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) are effective tools to visualize and analyze data and provide insights for solving problems. We need to acquire the ability to use these tools in the future. Let’s learn together to solve social issues.
To address global warming, it is necessary to promote energy efficiency and decarbonization of energy systems (such as solar power generation, batteries, heat pumps, electric vehicles, etc.) in factories, buildings, homes. Therefore, I am working on research on a technology that uses AI to optimize the operation of energy systems based on data analysis and prediction.
In order to prevent global warming, the realization of carbon neutrality is an urgent issue. Energy management such as energy-saving control of energy systems (photovoltaic power generation, storage battery, air conditioning, etc.) in areas such as factories, buildings and houses and demand response for power system stabilization is desired. In the future, electric vehicles and hydrogen production facilities will be added to the energy systems, and people's behavior changes will also be subject to control. Therefore, it will be difficult to control large-scale energy systems with optimization calculations based on conventional physical models. Therefore, I am working on research on regional-level energy management technology using AI such as deep learning.
Energy management, Smart grid, Optimization, Artificial intelligence
【ex.:Engineering,XX phenomenon, safety, well-being, American Literature, Social sciences, etc.】