Students and Guardians


【Event Report】Evening Lounge Ms. Midori Ogino

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【Event Report】Evening Lounge Ms.Midori Ogino

Eikei University of Hiroshima holds an "Evening Lounge" as part of its support for students' competency development and career guidance. 

For the May Evening Lounge, we invited Ms. Midori Ogino, President and CEO of Brown Sugar 1ST Inc. for a discussion session in English with our Dr. Toshiyuki Yasui.


Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 5:10-6:50 pm (JST)

Open to

Everyone, including EUH students and high school students


Legendary food entrepreneur comes to talk on global mindset for the future you want to live in.


Ms.Midori Ogino

President and CEO of Brown Sugar 1ST Inc.

First, Dr. Yasui presented a picture-story show titled "Midori's Tale," using fun illustrations to introduce the story of Ms. Ogino's journey from coming to the U.S. on her own, to the lessons she learned and realized through various experiences, including childbirth and starting her own business, up to the present day.

Ms. Ogino told us that she came to New York by herself with only the phone number of a person who was introduced to her through an acquaintance, as e-mail was not yet in common use at that time. She strove to make her way in the world of fashion, but she came to the conclusion that the world she was in was an illusion, and after returning to Japan, she wondered if what she had was necessary for life, and if all common sense was really correct. And that when she studied about the universe, she realized "what a small world we live in and how short life is," and became convinced that she should not waste her life. What she is thinking and doing now as a global entrepreneur of food.

Ms. Ogino also told us that if we follow the words of ''dream killers'' such as "be a good mother or wife" and hold back on what we want to do, we may regret it later.

In response to Dr. Yasui's question about what to do, Ms. Ogino replied, "Ignore the dream killer and just do it! Figure out what to do, what you can do, and then do it.  Before it is too late!" She then answered with a smile, "Actually, the biggest dream killer is also inside of me, and when I hear from that dream killer, I say, "Thank you! and Good Bye!"

There were many questions from students, and even after the event closed, students gathered around Ms. Ogino in the hall, eager to talk with her.

With Ms. Ogino