On Saturday, 16th December, EUH hosted the annual Inter-University Scrabble Contest. There were a total of 20 students Scrabble players from four universities (Hiroshima Jogakuin University, Hiroshima Shudo University, Hiroshima University and EUH) and three high schools (Hiroshima International, Motomachi and Akifuchu). We were also joined by a very young player from Noborimachi elementary school, so there were a wide range of ages.
The Scrabble is a game in which players compete for points by making English words in crossword form. Everyone played two games, with the scores from each game combined to give their total score. As is the tradition in these contests, all students could choose a prize, with the highest scoring student having first choice at the prize table. This year, a high school student got the highest total score (327pts), well done Maya! More than this, everyone who participated was a winner, in various ways: meeting and chatting with new people, many from different countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, Egypt, Philippines, India, Argentina, and of course Japan), and really just having a fun time.
As in previous years, English teachers from participating universities joined us, acting as judges at the five competitive tables, and helping in other ways. If you were there, thank you for providing the prizes, snacks and a welcoming atmosphere. Katherine Song, formerly of Hiroshima University, came all the way from Okinawa to join us for this event, and helped to make this a memorable, fun afternoon.
Photo and text courtesy of Associate Professor HIGGINBOTHAM, EUH.
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